Family Dental Services
Helping you achieve healthy smiles for the whole family
Our services include general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, in-office same-day crowns, implants, pediatric, Kor in-office teeth whitening, veneers, and much more.
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We have list of common terms and services here to help.
Using the latest CEREC 3D technology, Leawood Cosmetic and Family Dentistry offers all-ceramic crowns and veneers. Porcelain crowns/veneers offer many benefits. In addition to its strength, porcelain allows light to pass through much like natural teeth do leaving a “life-like” natural appearance. No more uncomfortable impressions and second appointments required. 3D scans can be completed in minutes, and you’ll be able to walk out of the office the same day with your new gorgeous crown!
A dental implant is a “root” device, usually made of titanium, used in dentistry to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth to replace missing teeth.
Virtually all dental implants placed today are root-form endosseous implants, i.e., they appear similar to an actual tooth root (and thus possess a “root-form”) and are placed within the bone. The bone of the jaw accepts and osseointegrates with the titanium post. Osseointegration refers to the fusion of the implant surface with the surrounding bone. Dental implants will fuse with bone over time.
Dental implants can be used to support a number of dental prostheses, including crowns, implant-supported bridges or dentures. They can also be used as anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement. The use of dental implants permits undirectional tooth movement without reciprocal action.
Most patients with enough bone can have implants, although individual decisions are made between you, your oral surgeon, and the Leawood Cosmetic team. Usually an x-ray and a CT-scan are done to determine if you have enough bone to place the implant and also to determine the size and kind of the implant that should be placed.
Do you frequently get headaches? Do your face, neck, shoulders, and jaw ache? Do your jaw joints pop or click, or do you have problems opening or closing your mouth? If so, you may have TMJ dysfunction, or misaligned jaw joints. The misalignment of the teeth causes the jaw muscles to strain and force the jaw into better alignment. This constant straining leads to pain or other symptoms throughout the head and neck area. Dr. Thomas attended the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, and as an accomplished LVI dentist, she can help relieve your TMJ symptoms with neuromuscular dentistry.
Neuromuscular dentistry involves proper alignment of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) to reduce stress on the muscles and nerves surrounding the jaw.
How Does Neuromuscular Dentistry Help?
Advances in neuromuscular dental science have taught us how to find and then maintain a comfortable jaw position. We use a TENS unit to relax muscles, increase blood flow, and help us find ideal jaw position. In some cases, dental restorations can raise or lower areas of your bite, creating a naturally comfortable position for your jaw. A custom-made oral appliance may help realign your bite, allow the muscles to relax, which will, in turn, alleviate pain in that area. In most cases, we can reposition the jaw in just a few weeks, without surgery or braces.
The Results: Look and Feel Better!
Dr. Thomas has found that many patients experience a moderate to significant change in facial appearance after neuromuscular therapy. Patients who had recessed lower jaws may enjoy a new profile, including a stronger jaw line and chin. Areas of the jaw that protruded may be pulled back into alignment. Not only will you feel better after TMJ therapy, but you may also look better!
For relief from antagonistic TMJ symptoms, call neuromuscular dentist Dr. Thomas today to schedule a comprehensive evaluation and consultation.
Caring for your oral health includes regular teeth care and gum care. Neglecting your gums can eventually lead to periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, which is a culprit for the deterioration of your overall oral health. Periodontal disease affects 75% of adults over 35 years of age and is responsible for approximately 70% of all adult tooth loss. Since symptoms of periodontal disease oftentimes are unnoticeable, people never realize their mouth is under bacterial attack.
Highly recognized as a greatly progressive disorder, periodontal disease is triggered by preventable factors like plaque build-up, tobacco use, certain medications and stress. Unpreventable measures like systematic disease and fluctuating hormone levels during puberty, pregnancy or menopause may also lead to periodontal disease. Research proves up to 30% of the population may be genetically susceptible to gum disease.
How Does this Happen?
Periodontal disease begins when plaque–a sticky substance that forms in the mouth from food, saliva and bacteria– gets inside the space between the gum line and the tooth. If incorrect or no flossing takes place, plaque will release toxins that break down the natural fibers which hold your gums to your teeth. This permits even more bacteria and toxins to invade. Plaque deposits quickly harden into calculus or tartar, which is a rough, porous substance that is impossible to remove with brushing. Over time, this progression can lead to severe inflammation, bone loss, gum recession and tooth loss.
If you notice your gums bleed consistently after brushing, you have tender or receding gums, or you notice pus between your gum and tooth, you may be at risk for periodontal disease.
How Do I Fix This?
Gum disease is treated by carefully removing the bacteria and substances that form in the pockets around the teeth. The removal of this material occurs on a microscopic level and requires great skill. Our hygienist, Breanna, will be sure that all of the bacteria is removed from your gums in order for you to lead a healthier lifestyle. This process of removing the bacteria, plaque and tartar usually requires several visits to our office. Once the bacteria has been removed, the pockets must be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis by Breanna and Dr. Thomas. Otherwise, the bacteria will return.
Please call today to schedule an appointment if you feel you are at risk for periodontal disease.
Tooth colored fillings (mercury free)
Dr. Thomas and Dr. Dan prefer to place composite resin fillings, which are shaded to match a patient’s existing dentition (color of your existing tooth). They understands how to create healthy, functional, beautiful smiles – and tooth-colored fillings are one simple way to maintain a smile’s beauty. Traditional amalgam (silver) fillings are dark and contain mercury, a harmful heavy metal. They also expand and shrink in response to temperature changes, resulting in tiny fractures within your teeth. Over time this stress, caused by the silver filling, can cause the tooth to fracture. Composite resins are a better alternative because they are non-toxic and help create an attractive smile. The final result is virtually invisible! We can replace your existing amalgam fillings with composite resin if you want an all-white smile.
Amalgams/Mercury Fillings – Why Not?
For years there has been debate in the dental profession regarding the pros and cons of using silver amalgam fillings, which contain about 50% mercury, to restore cavities. Mercury has been scientifically proven to harm you in certain amounts, so we have chosen to not use silver amalgam/mercury fillings, as the technology involved with them is well over 100 years old. There are also several drawbacks to them, which can cause trouble for teeth with silver fillings.
Away with Silver
At our office we prefer to provide our patients with the newest and best alternatives available, which are bonded ceramic composite resins. Not only do they look natural, they provide a much better service and protection for your teeth, as they eliminate all the shortcomings of silver fillings. They seal the teeth better, insulate against hot and cold better, and if they wear down, they can be repaired more easily. Many people who are undergoing a cosmetic improvement on their front teeth elect to have dark silver fillings in their back teeth replaced with the bonded ceramic resins to provide a total cosmetic improvement.
Please call our office to make an appointment if you want to look into replacing any of your old, silver fillings.
At our office we prefer to provide our patients with the newest and best alternatives available, which are bonded ceramic composite resins. Not only do they look natural, they provide a much better service and protection for your teeth, as they eliminate all the shortcomings of silver fillings. They seal the teeth better, insulate against hot and cold better, and if they wear down, they can be repaired more easily. Many people who are undergoing a cosmetic improvement on their front teeth elect to have dark silver fillings in their back teeth replaced with the bonded ceramic resins to provide a total cosmetic improvement.
Please call our office to make an appointment if you want to look into replacing any of your old, silver fillings.
During a person’s lifetime, a variety of food and beverages (soda, spicy food, coffee, red wine, etc.) tend to stain teeth. Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry but most especially in the field of cosmetic dentistry. According to the FDA, whitening restores natural tooth color and bleaching whitens beyond the natural color. Leawood Cosmetic and Family Dentistry offers two methods for whitening. Custom whitening trays, made in house, can adapt to your schedule and offers patients the freedom to bleach at home. In office whitening is also available through our KoR whitening system and GLO Pro whitening system. This Dentist-guided method involves using light energy to accelerate the process of bleaching.
Results can be seen instantly and within one appointment!
Do you ever wake up with jaw pain, neck aches, sensitive teeth? TMJ can often be rooted in clenching or grinding. The primary cause of this is an imbalance while biting resulting in a build up of lactic acid in your jaw joints. Leawood Cosmetic and Family Dentistry can fabricate a soft custom night guard, made in house, to alleviate these symptoms. This soft guard comfortably cushions your lower teeth to balance any discrepancies and imbalances. An even bite will lower the lactic acid build up in the jaw, thus decreasing your symptoms. Our in-house fabrication system lowers the cost for you and provides a guard within just a few days! Our team will diligently work to educate and relieve your symptoms.
The temporomandibular joint is the joint of the jaw and is frequently referred to as TMJ. There are two TMJs, one on each side, working in unison. The name is derived from the two bones which form the joint: the upper temporal bone which is part of the cranium (skull), and the lower jaw bone called the mandible. The unique feature of the TMJs is the articular disc. The disc is composed of fibrocartilagenous tissue (like the firm and flexible elastic cartilage of the ear) which is positioned between the two bones that form the joint. The TMJs are one of the few synovial joints in the human body with an articular disc, another being the sternoclavicular joint. The disc divides each joint into two. The lower joint compartment formed by the mandible and the articular disc is involved in rotational movement—this is the initial movement of the jaw when the mouth opens. The upper joint compartment formed by the articular disk and the temporal bone is involved in translational movement—this is the secondary gliding motion of the jaw as it is opened widely. The part of the mandible which mates to the under-surface of the disc is the condyle and the part of the temporal bone which mates to the upper surface of the disk is the glenoid (or mandibular) fossa.
Pain or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is commonly referred to as “TMJ”, when in fact, TMJ is really the name of the joint, and Temporomandibular joint disorder (or dysfunction) is abbreviated TMD. This term is used to refer to a group of problems involving the TMJs and the muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and other tissues associated with them. Some practitioners might include the neck, the back and even the whole body in describing problems with the TMJs.
Temporomandibular joint disorder, TMJD (in the medical literature TMD), or TMJ syndrome, is an umbrella term covering acute or chronic pain, especially in the muscles of mastication and/or inflammation or the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible to the skull. The primary cause is muscular hyper- or parafunction, as in the case of bruxism, with secondary effects on the oral musculoskeletal system, like various types of displacement of the disc in the temporomandibular joint. The disorder and resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain, which is the most common TMD symptom, combined with impairment of function. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines — in particular, dentistry and neurology — there are a variety of treatment approaches.
The temporomandibular joint is susceptible to many of the conditions that affect other joints in the body, including ankylosis, arthritis, trauma, dislocations, developmental anomalijes, neoplasia, and reactive lesions.
Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder vary in their presentation and can be very complex, but are often simple. On average the symptoms will involve more than one of the numerous TMJ components: muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, bones, connective tissue, and the teeth. Ear pain associated with the swelling of proximal tissue is a symptom of temporomandibular joint disorder.
Symptoms associated with TMJ disorders may be:
• Blinking
• Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort
• Clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
• Dull, aching pain in the face
• Earache (particularly in the morning)
• Headache (particularly in the morning)
• Hearing loss
• Migraine (particularly in the morning)
• Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw
• Reduced ability to open or close the mouth
• Neck and shoulder pain
• Dizziness
Other Services
Cosmetic Dentistry
Improve the appearance of your teeth with whitening, veneers, crowns, inlays, onlays, and more.
Using SmartForce technology and SmartTrack material, Invisalign provides a reliable avenue to pursue your dream smile.